NiGiNan Housing Ventures is an Indigenous-led, registered non-profit charity formed to address particular housing needs of peoples living in Edmonton. We are dedicated to providing supportive, affordable housing opportunities for individuals and families who have been unsuccessfully served by other organizations in Edmonton.

NiGiNan's goals are:

  • to house and serve those with complex needs, while enabling them to create homes for themselves

  • to improve the quality of life of our residents

  • to build community and involve our residents in the development and management of their community

  • to provide residents with a sense of control over their own lives

How We Operate


We create spaces and infrastructure that give more power and control to the individual. We understand the impacts of intergenerational trauma faced by Indigenous Peoples. We accept, acknowledge, affirm and accommodate residents of all Indigenous identities.


We focus on strength over weakness and wellness over illness. We are grounded in oral history and traditional practice taught by Elders. NiGiNan encourages reconnecting to the Land, family, community, self and spirituality. Our programs are designed, developed and led by Indigenous leaders.


We understand the Indigenous experience is rooted in systemic racism, often experienced through unjust access to health and social services, limited or no funding for Indigenous support services, and the unhoused and poverty.

OUR History

Watch former CEO Carola Cunningham’s explanation of NiGiNan’s Beginnings. Part 1 of 4.


→ 2006 - Research begins on supportive/assisted living projects for its target market

→ 2014 - Ambrose Place opens

→ 2020 - Omamoo wango gamik opens

→ 2021 - Temporary bridge housing is offered at the Sands Inn

→ 2022 - Sands Inn is acquired for conversion to supportive housing, becomes Pimatisiwin

→ 2023 - McArthur Place is built and opens

→ 2024 - Emergency shelter built at Pimatsiwin

Our People

Board of Directors

Cindy L’Hirondelle-Steppke (President)

Colleen Enns

Lillian Sissons

Rob Campre

Sharon Starr

Thomas Goodson



Melissa Keith, Housing Lead

Geraldine Lafleur, Kitchen Manager

Alyssa Lamouche, Payroll Supervisor

Helen Lee, Finance Manager

Sarah Radley / Brie Gray, Pimatisiwin Site Supervisors

Jessie Molody, Ambrose Place Manager

Jaime Morrison, Learning & Development Specialist

Blaine Paul, Director of Cultural Supports

Megan Stewart, Human Resources Supervisor

Ashleigh Grammer, Acting PDD Program Supervisor

Noora Badr, Business Manager

Arsan Buffin, Training and Development Specialist

Cassy Cann, McArthur Place Manager

Keri Cardinal, CEO

Christine Davies, Housing Program Manager

Dyan Harke, Director of Health

Ross Hodgson, Director of Operations and Facilities